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By: Lathe Info

Best Lathe for Bowl Turning

For any bowl turning enthusiast, the lathe is the most crucial tool in their workshop. A good lathe can make a substantial difference in the outcome and ease of bowl turning. With so many options available, picking the right one can be challenging. That’s why we have put together a comprehensive guide to help you find the best lathe for bowl turning.

Key Takeaways:

  • Choosing the right lathe is pivotal to bowl turning success.
  • Consider factors such as size, power, capabilities, and accessories when selecting a lathe.
  • Our guide includes top picks for the ultimate lathe, budget-friendly options, and maintenance and care tips for your lathe.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Lathe for Bowl Turning

When selecting a lathe for bowl turning, there are several factors to consider to ensure maximum efficiency and satisfactory results. These factors include:

  1. Size and Power Requirements: The size and power of the lathe are crucial determining factors for bowl turning. The lathe’s bed length, swing capacity, and horsepower should match the size of the bowls you intend to turn. Larger bowls require a larger swing capacity and bed length, while smaller bowls require a smaller swing capacity and bed length. In terms of horsepower, a minimum of 1HP is recommended for turning bowls and vessels.
  2. Capabilities: The lathe’s capabilities are also important to consider. Bowl turning requires a lathe that can rotate the workpiece smoothly and steadily at various speeds. Look for a lathe that offers variable speed control, as this allows you to adjust the speed to match the specific needs of the project. Additionally, the lathe should have a tailstock and a tool rest that can be adjusted and locked in place for precision work.
  3. Accessories: Some accessories are necessary for bowl turning. A chuck is required to hold the workpiece securely in place, and a faceplate can be useful for holding the blank while you work on the bottom of the bowl. Other accessories, such as a steady rest, live center, and spindle saver, can be beneficial for more advanced bowl turning projects.

When armed with a thorough understanding of these key factors, you’ll be able to make an informed decision when choosing the best lathe for turning bowls and vessels.

Top Picks for the Best Lathe for Bowl Turning

After thorough research and analysis, we have compiled a list of the top-rated bowl turning lathes on the market. These premium lathes for bowl turning have been selected based on their exceptional performance, advanced features, and high customer satisfaction. Discover our exclusive bowl turning lathe picks below, from the top bowl turning lathe brands:

Lathe Model Features Price
Jet JWL-1221VS Variable speed control, digital RPM readout, 20-inch distance between centers, high-quality build $1,049.99
Powermatic 3520C Electronic variable speed, 24-inch distance between centers, 2 HP motor, Ergonomic controls $4,899.99
Delta Industrial 46-460 Variable speed, 16.5-inch distance between centers, powerful 1 HP motor, forward/reverse function $799.99

These premium lathes for bowl turning are guaranteed to deliver exceptional results and meet the demands of even the most advanced bowl turning enthusiasts. Their exclusive features and high-quality build make them the best lathe for turning bowls and vessels, ensuring precision and efficiency with every turn.

Budget-Friendly Options for Bowl Turning Lathes

Not everyone can invest in a premium lathe for bowl turning. However, there are still some great budget-friendly options available that deliver good value for money. Here are some of our top picks for the best budget lathe for bowl turning:

Brand Model Price
WEN 3420T $160
RIKON 70-100 $450
NOVA 46300 Comet II $650

The WEN 3420T is a perfect entry-level lathe for beginners. It has a 3.2-amp motor and can turn bowls up to 12 inches in diameter. The RIKON 70-100 offers a more powerful ½ HP motor and a larger swing capacity of 12 inches, making it a great choice for intermediate turners. The NOVA 46300 Comet II is an advanced lathe that boasts a ¾ HP motor, variable speed control, and a 12-inch swing capacity. It is an excellent option for turners who want a high-quality budget lathe.

When considering budget options, always prioritize quality, durability, and performance. With the right lathe, you can enjoy bowl turning without breaking the bank.

Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Bowl Turning Lathe

Investing in a high-quality lathe for bowl turning is just the first step towards creating beautiful bowls and vessels. To fully maximize your lathe’s potential, consider these tips:

1. Use the Right Tools

When turning bowls and vessels, it’s important to use the right kind of cutting tools, such as gouges, scrapers, and parting tools. Each tool has a specific purpose and can help achieve different effects on the wood. Be sure to maintain the sharpness of your tools to ensure clean cuts.

2. Choose the Right Wood

The type of wood you use can greatly affect the final product. Hardwoods like maple and cherry are great for bowl turning due to their durability and grain patterns. Experiment with different types of wood to see which ones work best for your desired outcome.

3. Use Proper Techniques

Proper techniques in bowl turning can greatly enhance the outcome of your work. One important technique is to cut downhill with the grain, which prevents tear-out and creates a smoother finish. Additionally, maintaining a consistent speed and pressure while turning can help create evenly shaped pieces.

4. Prioritize Safety

With any woodworking project, safety should always be a top priority. Ensure that your lathe is securely fastened and that you are using protective equipment, such as safety glasses and a dust mask. Additionally, avoid wearing loose clothing or jewelry that can get caught in the lathe.

5. Practice, Practice, Practice

Bowl turning, like any other skill, takes time and practice to perfect. Don’t be discouraged if your first few attempts don’t turn out as expected. Keep practicing and experimenting with different techniques and materials until you achieve the desired outcome.

Maintenance and Care for Your Bowl Turning Lathe

Whether you are a professional woodturner or a novice, proper maintenance and care of your lathe is essential to ensure optimal performance and longevity. Here are some guidelines to keep your lathe in top condition:

Task Frequency
Clean the lathe bed, tailstock, and tool rest After every use
Oil moving parts such as the banjo and tailstock Every 10 hours of use
Check and tighten all bolts and screws Before every use
Replace worn parts such as belts and bearings As needed
Store the lathe in a dry and dust-free environment After every use

In addition to regular maintenance, it is important to follow safety precautions when working with your lathe. Always wear appropriate personal protective equipment such as safety glasses and a face shield. Make sure your workpiece is securely mounted before starting the lathe, and keep your hands away from moving parts.

By following these guidelines and practicing proper safety measures, you can ensure that your lathe for turning bowls and vessels will provide you with many years of enjoyable woodworking.


Choosing the best lathe for bowl turning can significantly impact the quality of your finished products. Whether you are a professional woodturner or a hobbyist, it is essential to consider your specific needs and preferences when selecting a lathe.

From our top picks for ultimate bowl turning lathes to budget-friendly options, there are numerous choices available in the market. However, it is important to keep in mind important factors such as size, power, and capabilities to ensure the best performance and results.

Make sure to also follow proper maintenance and care guidelines for your lathe to keep it in optimal condition. Regular cleaning, lubrication, and storage are crucial for prolonging its lifespan.

Overall, investing in the best lathe for bowl turning will ultimately enhance your abilities and give you greater satisfaction in your woodworking projects. We hope our guide has been helpful in narrowing down your options and assisting you in making an informed decision.


Q: What factors should I consider when choosing a lathe for bowl turning?

A: When selecting a lathe for bowl turning, it’s important to consider the size and power requirements, as well as the capabilities and accessories needed for bowl turning.

Q: What are some budget-friendly options for bowl turning lathes?

A: If you’re on a budget, there are some quality lathes available that offer great value for money. We can recommend some options that will suit your needs.

Q: Do you have any tips for maximizing my bowl turning experience with a lathe?

A: Absolutely! We have some useful tips and techniques that will help you get the most out of your bowl turning experience with your chosen lathe. From proper tool usage to safety precautions, these tips will be valuable to you.

Q: How do I maintain and care for my bowl turning lathe?

A: Regular maintenance and care for your bowl turning lathe are important for its longevity and optimal performance. We will provide guidelines on cleaning, lubrication, and storage to ensure your lathe stays in great shape.

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