
Hello and welcome to LatheInfo.com!

Barry MartinI’m Barry Martin, the mind and craftsman behind LatheInfo.com. My journey with lathes began years ago, and it quickly evolved from a personal passion to an eagerness to share my knowledge, experiences, and insights with a wider community. This website is the culmination of countless hours spent at the lathe, refining techniques, testing tools, and immersing myself in the beauty of turning raw material into art.

Why LatheInfo.com?

I created LatheInfo.com with a singular mission: to be a beacon of information, guidance, and support for all things related to lathes. Whether you’re just stepping into the world of lathes or have been at it for years, this website aims to offer something valuable for everyone.

Here’s what you can expect:

  1. Expert Insight: Drawing from my own experiences, I aim to provide accurate, tried-and-true advice and insights that you can trust.
  2. Regular Content: The world of lathes is vast and ever-evolving. I’m committed to updating LatheInfo.com regularly, ensuring you’re always in the loop with the latest tips, trends, and techniques.
  3. A Personal Touch: This isn’t just any other information site. It’s a reflection of my personal journey, and I want you to be a part of it. Engage, ask questions, share your own experiences – let’s make this a vibrant community of lathe enthusiasts.
  4. From Basics to Beyond: Regardless of where you stand in your lathe journey, LatheInfo.com offers content ranging from foundational guidelines for beginners to advanced techniques for the pros.

Your Journey Starts Here

In the world of lathes, every spin, every cut, and every finish tells a story. I invite you to join me on this exciting adventure, exploring the intricacies and wonders of lathes. Together, let’s carve out masterpieces and share the joy of creation.

Thank you for being a part of LatheInfo.com. Here’s to many shared moments of learning and crafting!


Barry Martin.